Today I am 35 ... it's worth it because (Because he's worth it!) This afternoon someone asked me if Rufus Wainwright concert was going to see tonight deserved a post. Please, that's like when my friends ask me what time I leave work. Something that anyone knows me knows very well.
Of course it deserves a post. And two. And three. All that may be required to describe the brilliance of an artist who grabs me every time I see him. In fact, I believe that if there was rewritten from the famous day of sexual harassment is because British I thought all this time there had been nothing that was worth having. Total ... what have I done this month and a half long? I finished one ... hmmm, let's call it a "something." I started a new job in a new program, I have been to three concerts (four with the RW), a film festival and I bought a Nintendo DS. The King of Spain has been farruco with Chávez and Esperanza Aguirre, and has left the decision of 11-M.
But is there anything remarkable in my life that a concert by Rufus Wainwright? No, I do not.
Well, yes, recently I experienced a moment of extreme happiness. It was a Sunday afternoon in a fitting of H & M. Imitating some skinny black satin slid down my legs and around my waist to embrace clean completely with the binding of a button and an eyelet and soft rise of a zipper. Come on, closed my pants. As I placed the leg and looked up to see how I had left, began to play "Rules and regulations". Yes, says Montes, "Life can be wonderful."
Rufus Wainwright is always an event. Every time I have expected to see him, I get excited. There is an excitement as if she would live to see Ashton Kutcher (although some believe that no man nor the name (names are there more manly than others? "Jorge" is more manly than "Rubén"? "" Ramon "that" Adrian "?)), but the days before I smile when I think about it. Yesterday he looked at the photos of the first concert I attended. It was just two years ago (and is day 13) in Barcelona. That day it rained. Also the next day in Madrid, where he saw a second time. Today the sun has looked spectacular. Another of these strange days of this strange November.
On my first gig was with Dani, the poppie recommended me to Rhinebeck (private joke) and that is because I screwed up with a clear leveling the score 7-5 in concert rufusianos care. Also Sonia and Oskia, I shared with songs again, emotion, and even a fan now embarrasses me a lot, but that allowed me to then catch a taxi with more ease.
In short, it is (very) late:
- The degree of daubs of Wainwright is matched only by his talent. I mean, huge. To do this, see the dress (which looked at the FIB), with nothing underneath, hair sticking out (something to stand out in a declared homosexual, so they have become activists against gay chest hair), adorned with a thousand clasps and necklace jewelery topped by that very well could have stolen from the safe Saritísima (well, those of saritísima are good, as the "bib" that he gave Anthony Mann)
As good diva, has had a few costume changes. Well, not the Pantoja, but let years pass. The second model has been his now famous Tyrolean costume (yes, has a name, but I never remember)
bathrobe few songs, including "Over the rainbow" ...
... And finally the moment Garland.
not forgotten the pants, it's just going Liza's mother when he sang "Get Happy" (Some will remember he sang that song because Laura Palmer's father when he was about to lose his mind.)
- The duration of the concert is to be welcomed. Three hours in this time of the hour and a half just (fuck you, Interpol! Mega fuck you, Mando Diao!) Return fan to anyone.
- The code has been exemplary. ALL the latest album, "Release the Stars" (noting that "Nobody's off the hook", which makes me a lump in my throat every time I hear it). Two issues first, "Danny Boy" and "Barcelona." "Poses," "Cigarettes and chocolate milk", with which, like the concert Goio San Sebastian, I dropped a tear and "The consort of the second. "I Do not Know What It Is," "14th street" and "Beautiful Child" from Want One, and "the art teacher" and "Gay Messiah" of Want Two. Four tracks of Judy Garland concerts and a traditional Irish song sung in full voice and without a microphone (the "a capella" whole life "
- The concert had a moment of freak priceless. Every time he sings" Beautiful child "Rufus says it is a perfect song for the English public, and asks us to accompany it with the palms of tango. Today, in addition, has complemented two ladies who have made their interpretation, more or less Flemish, the great song in question.
- Wainwright is in shape. Still very funny in his comments, compliments are quickly responding to the public and is to date on what's happening in each site. If in the Basque Country over the independence issue to be of joke, Madrid has spoken of the affair Bourbon / Chavez and his visit made during the day to Toledo.
Anyway, back to me no stupid questions. On second thought, why not. Today had an answer for both. Yes, Rufus concert deserved a post, it, and spent the morning when the card at the turnstiles of Antena 3, could have told any of my friends. "Today I leave at eight."