Summers tend to look similar to each other. It's hot, people go on vacation, they take ice cream can enjoy the terraces and young people fall in love. In addition, newspapers and thin as Marta Sánchez Maribel Verdú through the years, the TV is dedicated to repeated radio programs and in the voices unsafe and trips for the fellows. There are parties in the villages, the air smells Aftersun and take buses and subways (even) more. The theaters is very poor, even poorer film, and the concert is already such as to lie to mourn.
Couples with children are divided Rodriguez situation fortnightly to take the opportunity to remember what life was like when they were a single individual with no little creatures clinging to their calves as ticks, and the citizens neglect their styles to frightening levels.
announce unpopular governments taking advantage of nobody knows, teams star chips to the insecurity of not knowing whether they will be a hit or a bluff, and "Hello" is filled with parties, yachts, bronzed bodies in bikinis and weddings and Pitita Fefas several pages for black and white end and feeling Isabeles or Genevieve for a moment.

Only one thing seemed to have changed in recent years: the missing gaps were less cars on the sidewalks, the people had also fled down on chairs of the terraces or in the seats of public transport, and signs saying "Closed for the Holidays" seemed a relic of my childhood summer memories of youth.
But this year the signs have increased again, as the holes in the cars and August is the month again desert in Madrid. Internet sales have closed, libraries have changed their summer schedule, and instead of expanding in the afternoon, has been cut, and deletes the opening on Saturday morning. Until the RAE has put closure to his section of consultations in August. I wonder what the beleaguered journalist will have to submit an article this month without the help of an institution empelo that "cleans, fixes and gives splendor" to clarify possible doubts.
also some museum visitors, users of some sports and some summer ill go to find the little sign. But who cares. Everyone is happy because it is summer, because they are in love, like lemon ice cream, can park, the cinema is nice and cool but the movie is bad and can look at the necklines of the girls without them put a face because they feel insecure about the perfect neck. And that hurts because they have to work, keep your skin white and who have also gained weight, you get screwed. Either that or let off steam in his blog.