Saturday, October 16, 2010

Clear Substance From Period

I wanted to convince me that was my kind historical kind.
Years Later, same song on and fuck, i was just Trying to Convince myself, put it in your eyes mouth and nose OBLIGATION because. naive little girl, sad butterfly all sugar & sweet and too much free time. should impose fines for misuse of headspace tsk tsk. total, at the end i got Something Better That what i wanted. I love the prospect of bad taste to leave the water running from up here because I'm like, reeeeaaally? is real today, yesterday I was trying hard and using my imagination a lot. now im rockin the suburbs and feeling sinister and beast and happy because it's tha shit. now back to my abs. swwwweat baby sweat.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ca 125 Blood Testresult 34


Colin Powell was secretary of state United States under President George Bush and to leave this post published the book "Colin Powell's 18 Leadership Principle. "

From these 18 principles of leadership, we choose the most relevant and critical to any successful entrepreneur and leading Mexican and share below.

1. kindly Treat everyone equally, regardless of their contribution, all it accomplishes is to make sure that the anger of the people more productive and creative the organization grows.

2. Real leaders make themselves accessible and available to others.

3. not be afraid to challenge or argue with people who are in your favor. If you have a team member who always says yes, then one of two spare.

4. Never neglect details. When everyone's mind is as dull or distracted the leader must keep abreast of what's happening twice. Good leaders delegate and empower others freely, but pay attention to details, every day. a leader's job is not to be the chief organizer but the chief disruptive.

5. The most important question in performance evaluation is not exactly "How well you perform your job since the last time we met ? "but " How much you changed your performance? ".

6. can train on business fundamentals and provided a brilliant junior without major problems. But it is more difficult to train someone to have integrity, discernment, fairness and ability to get things done. Good leaders assert the possibility of a say in the recruitment phase.

7. Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, that can cut their arguments discussions, questions, to give a solution that everyone can understand. The result? clarity on the intentions, credibility, leadership and integrity of the organization.

8. When you have between 40/70% of the information follow your instincts. not expect to have enough facts to be 100% sure because by then it may be too late.

9. Dale power and financial responsibility to the kids who are bringing money to the organization and not to those who posted or discussed them.

10. Surround yourself with people he takes his work seriously, not themselves, those who work hard and play hard.

"There is no favorable wind for he who knows not where he goes"
