Long time no write anything, and had several things to say before you get to where I am now, in Newbury, England. I'll tell you when I get back, but I refuse to tell what has happened to me this afternoon in a quiet little park there. Transcribe the chronicle that I have made my friends. I leave you with the story and a beautiful view of the park in question, to make matters worse is called Victoria Park and has a statue of Queen Victoria. Some do not respect their prudish queen.

Amiguitos, perfidious Albion is still a place of rogues and criminals. Today I started my day's sightseeing in Newbury. A short walk around the village, a short walk around the shops, first expenses ...
Determined to take a break, and when he saw one of those estupendísimos English parks in green shades that I love green, I have gone there to jamarme a tuna and cucumber sandwich. I've eaten, I noted a few things in the notebook I bought in one of the thousand stationary around here, and I was freezing and I have another little walk in the park. While doing some photos of the ducks and swans in a pond, has been a middle-aged gentleman and asked me something, but I have not understood. I told him he did not speak English very well, sat down and started to wonder what characteristic: where are you, how long have you here, you're on vacation ...
I explained that he had come to stay with a friend, who had arrived today, which was English. I wondered if my friend was my boyfriend and I said no, that was a good friend. For the next say yes, my husband and that is wrestling world champion. After he told me if I wanted to take a walk with him, but I told him I expected a call from my friend to stay and would not move much. We talked a little bit of time and then says: "Do you want to fuck with me?" Obviously, my brain has been thought that he had not said that, so that I have said, "pardon?". No, he had said what I had understood: "fuck, (another word I have not understood), sex ..." And I, that "polite" no one beats me, I said: "No, thank you." Then I explained that this was not my boyfriend, but he had one in Spain.
The rate has not moved an eyebrow, I said "Because I think you are very nice, and I:" Thank you ", but all pancha, that I did not get up the bank raised. I have asked a vague stop more (including if in Spain Habis swans, to which I have answered: "Yes, and duck) and returned to the charge, saying: "Are you sure you Do not Want to suck my cock?", and I again answered "No, thank you". I then said something and that was great, but I was picking up everything, because:
1. the conversation was boring me.
2. I was dying to tell someone.
I said good bye and I freak . And then I thought that things only happen to me.
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