03/09/2007 - Sara Aguareles Visitors who download from here the latest version of Google Earth will find that experience and not confined to planet Earth. Google has recently launched Sky, a feature that is included in all Google Earth domains, in 13 different languages, and to visualize space as seen from our perspective. 100 million stars and 200 million galaxies, no less, is what the new Sky feature makes available to users of the latest version of Google Earth. The sky as it really is and not as we used to see with eyes open to Internet users from high-resolution images and informative overlays create a unique playground for visualizing and learning about space. astronomer Manuel Tafalla, which has already tested this new functionality, Noticias.com told that "it is a paradox of our time that we know more things ever about heaven, every time we understand better how stars work, but we can hardly see because the night sky has been lost as a common experience in the cities, where stars are simply not.
Despite that the scientific community has its own tools to study the cosmos, Sky is the first opportunity for the public to access a detailed record of stars and galaxies, through which we navigate with a simple mechanism. In fact, people who already have experience in managing Google Earth will see that the performance is very similar. Besides being the first tool mass, Sky also adds some cosmic developments to other windows. According Tafalla, "a thing that makes the difference between this program and others that already existed, is that it uses real images of the sky taken by a telescope of Mount Palomar (California), while in other cases we see are reproductions computer." Obviously astronomers do not see Sky a tool of scientific work, but Tafalla says "yes we will use to teach our students and friends the beauty of heaven, for someone who has never really seen how it is, With this tool you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bits beauty, the number of stars there are in the infinity of interesting objects that we find in it, etc ".
Seven layers of content Sky The information provided includes data and images in a variety of celestial bodies and astronomical phenomena. constellations from Cassiopeia to Andromeda, high-resolution images obtained from the famous NASA's Hubble telescope, animations of lunar positions and moon phases, a privileged view of the seven planets of our solar system, or a guide of galaxies like Ursa Minor or the Milky Way. addition, Sky offers opportunity to study phenomena like the cycle of life and death of a star or a small dictionary of basic astronomy can consult a variety of points of information about stars, galaxies and nebulae visible to the naked eye or with the aid of binoculars or small telescopes. Source: http://www.noticias.com/ More about computing in: http://juan-mendizabal . netfirms.com Http://tus-links.com.ar/antivirus/
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