I've always known that to live in the policy must be made a special paste, which is why it is said when I caught the bullfighters and the fifteen days are back in the square, "is that are made of sterner stuff. " As with politicians is the same. I believe that, rather than the bullfighters, politicians are like what is said of the children when they fall and nothing happens "is that children are made of rubber."
definitely think so, that politicians are made of rubber. So as a champion Rajoy resists the hosts that come from all sides. Since his party from the other, from a media, since the others being his mentor, which I want to vent ... I think that the baker gives Rajoy bar overcooked and the butcher cut him jabugo slices of fat. And have a party spokesman in Congress that appears with such paint.

If so the Congress, as they sing a different story.
And what of Felipe González, who swallowed trucks, carts, toads, and even the fist and rose, and now he still plays swallow all gossip related to her divorce after 39 years. Poor, and there is nothing left then. Neither Mrs. nor Alfonso, neither the group of tortilla. But Philip himself is rubber, and a very elastic. And deep down I always am glad to see me, because at least me back to better times in which politicians were interesting people who could speak well and sometimes you dazzled, at times in a session of Congress could be to entertaining, partly because their Lordships were and were not made looking pages on the internet sluts. In times where you thought would never live up to these people, not like now, where I am ashamed listening to people like Bibiana Aido. If the / models must be thin / skinny, if / deportistos the athletes and have to stay in shape ... why politicians may be a fool without a basic understanding of speech (or I do not know, common sense)
Although good, we still have Jose Bono, which is not to be a star of rhetoric, but next to what you'd think there is Cicero. And besides, Bono also holds its own, you have to see what bastards they are the party of their own. Bono is a total maker (a concept some TV which means you loose a lapidary stay dead), and I to I have finally become a fan, because you have to be very good for a week to three tracks: first, the nun (that Bono thought: "How I marvel to me?"), then the idea that you read the constitution (exciting), and read over the likes of Fernando Alonso, Alejandro Sanz and Iker Casillas. I have nothing against these three gentlemen (well what lie, I hate Alejandro Sanz), but hey, if you sit and listen to the constitution gives me downturn, I do not think it would be read by them. I hope at least they were also invited his super friends Concha Velasco and Raphael, which would give those other good atmosphere. And finally, to close this week glorious, a phrase that has dropped into "The Window" "God willing, I will die with the socialist card in his pocket." To say this being like Bono, you have to be rubber and have some eggs as espartero horse.
But if there is someone who is made of rubber, steel, asbestos or any material that is resistant Esperanza Aguirre. After what has now lived in Bombay, after the helicopter with Mariano (he broke two fingers, she went so piti, without a wrinkle in his suit jacket), after losing an election and end ganándolas, after of the boos that you are stuck in all the hospitals ... I'm beginning to think Aguirre is immortal, who became president, and also comes out at night armed with a sword Madrid looking for another cause you know ... "can only be one. "
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