Once again I am writing to give them my annual performance report. This year I've been pretty good, mostly because I have not had time to misbehave and then I was so tired I had no power to do evil. Yes, I must confess that I wanted a few, but as with you what matters is what has been done and I'm not confessing to the Lord of the crazed fans of old broken femurs, then imagine that it's okay to have sin a little thought.
why I ask you, as a reward for my kindness, serve me some presents to encourage me to continue in this line of good and not spend the dark side of this town of ours, devious, greedy and desahogao (great term that I discovered the Carmina recalled.)
My house is in need of some reforms, but if possible I ask not to call Jorge Fernández Nuria rock or to fix. I think that little by little, and with help I can do it myself. That is why I happened to list some things I need. I know that these things are complicated and expensive, but if you dare, for me is fine.
- A coat stand: I need to keep an eye on the bags I have, because otherwise the years I spend almost one bag per season, and that is neither trendy or cool, or even practical. Just ask fit many things and is mono. Pinchen here for some examples.
- A cabinet for the bathroom. As my friend Ivan, a former tenant of my modest old building, room, "Tell me" you need a wall piece of furniture for my creams, I already have a birthday and you have to take care of fine lines, crow's feet, the neck folds, cellulite, the hardness of the heel, curled hair, chapped lips ... maybe I better go out an operation to Stephen, but I extend best furniture and avoid unnecessary risks as you leave the mouth size XL. Since the tiles have a beautiful chocolate color "noir", because guess Maderita clear tone that will do well. Or if they dare to color ... beige, green, yellow, or orange would make a good workaround.
- I also need a cabinet with shelves and drawers for the bedroom, but that it might be abused. Still, in "Road Home" or Banak have a great (and if they happen to your child and want to do extravagance).
Now for the cultural moments. I know that previously were the most sought after, but hey, libraries and nurtured my friends interesting written pages, and as for TV shows, movies or music, I have also limited consumption. Now, if you feel generous and want to give me the payment of the IFF Well, look, I'm looking for an apartment. I know that e-book has become fashionable, and although it seems useful for cases of billets rompeespaldas and bag handles, almost going to wait for things to stabilize in price and supply formats in English.
Still, I have a request
I know you are fans of droll mysteries of Iker Jimenez Cuarto Milenio, but I remain faithful to the tenant of Baker Street, so now they have taken a súperedición of cases of Holmes and Watson, if you dare to pay the 60 Napos it's worth, I was delighted. You can see what's in it link.
And the food of the spirit the physical shelter: clothing and accessories. In general I do not need anything, and if they fail to give me my clothes to save me going to work because I do not return it. Yes, I have some needs that just can relieve:
- Rubber Boot: Yes, I realize that there is little rain in Madrid, but lately every time I do I soak my feet, and the last time the shoes dyed socks which in turn stained my skin and I had a week left foot green (although it were purple socks and slippers in various colors, but no green). The most modern are the Hunter.

are the leading Kate Moss to Glastonbury, but I think that blow 99 euros for rubber boots, so a cute (you know, colorful butt) and I keep the foot dry worth. Number 38 (touch me and then go to change).
- Yellow Umbrella: I think that is clear. A-MA-RI-LLO. Or red or green, or blue, or with polka dots or anything. Yellow umbrella (foldable, of course). The same color as the sun, that the bird Tweety, T-shirt that UD Las Palmas. We, like this:

- Hiking boots: My friends and remain Maromo mountain lovers, and a Sunday I have proposed to go for a ride by these valleys of God. It is true that if I bring the boots I be without excuse but hey, perhaps it is time to stop the excuses and get going. A plain little thing, not get excited with Vibram soles and stuff, which is only to do a bit of walking. Some of the "Decartón" worth (but at least I was not wet feet, do not buy those 15 euros, rats!)
Finally, although in other cases their use has been nil, this time I think so, I need an agenda. My levels of neglect cases have come to find me a flagrant as input (unused, of course), a concert which had been two months of its conclusion, and there have been several times I had to call for medical consultations ask what time was the appointment (so when I have called asking if I thought while I was quietly going home). I know that the phone have an agenda, but I do not handling too well with her. As I like to like the Moleskine "Colour to month."

Comes with booklets of each month in different colors so you do not have to pay in January when it's August. Surely they have in the FNAC or cocks or gafapastas stationery.
Hala! Now to buy and bring me what I ordered. I've done my part, right? Then you meet yours!
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