Monday, August 9, 2010

Wood Stove Water Heating


Layoffs . One recipe that comes to mind when things go wrong, ("Counter Solutions.")

Organizations believe that the dismissal equivalent to cutting fat for a healthier body.

When lay off people, not now take into account the personal and family drama that is for each of the people, we are driving energy of our organization, ideas, illusion workforce ... Firing equivalent to reducing muscle in an elite athlete.

Firing equivalent to all organizations will damage your income statement because there are fewer consumers (there are fewer people on payroll) willing to buy your products or services.

But sometimes necessary. No doubt. But I think the "Dietitian" layoffs counseling is usually wrong. I sincerely believe that there should be "Dietitians of Organizations" really help institutions to have better health without resorting occasionally to diets that attack muscle.

These would be advised Dieticians Following:

1) Always Keep Your Organization Delgada .- What functions are Unnecessary? What Tasks Have No Sense? Do You Know That's What Really Makes Your People? "Everything To Do It aims to have a better product and to be more suited to your customer? A Well-Oriented Organization will tend to disregard naturally and non-surgical fat. Come on, and do not purchase anything and expect to be without.

2) Always Keep Your Organization Active .- fueled by the passion to win, to be better, to Be More In times of crisis, Apple is having record profits. His professional not feel the crisis because its leaders also did a good job when times were buoyant. Remember, activity is always better than Diet.

3) Do not rely on magic diets. Better Manage good habits. Your Values, Beliefs. Eliminate Wrong Before Habits that of people who have them.

The layoffs represent a dangerous diet for organizations.

may not be too late to rectify.

"I do not get the urge, I give."

Tomas Cipriano

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When we work we are selling our brute force, our ability, our knowledge or our time. Above all, the most valuable time. and workers' organizations have not yet come, in most cases, to reach agreements to buy and sell results (that is left to the free-lances or self).

Payroll is today synonymous with the presence or availability. implied distrust that exists in such abundance in labor relations is such that organizations are willing to sacrifice some better just to have controlled its professionals. This practice has, in many cases, a cruel perversion of the system: managers and organizations who think that paying a salary is buying the private lives of its practitioners, through elongated stupidly schedules, availability absolute weekends or holidays, unnecessary travel, etc. In these situations, the results are not important. Prima feel more satisfying to buy the lives of professionals to get best results.

situation is getting worse lately advantageously: "You can not complain. You can not go (as is the labor market). You have no choice but to endure the abuse. " Tomorrow these same organizations will become crazy looking for solutions to motivate or mitigate turnover rates. When the solution is simple: respect your people, when things are going well. But especially when things go wrong.

I believe in hard work (one factor that differentiates successful organizations finally the which are not.) I am against the programs artificial life balance work and family (bright ties that are put into empty boxes.) I'm just in favor of establishing relations based on mutual respect and mutual commitment. Relationships usually get better results. just do not treat our people worse than how we would try the best to our customers. no regrets.

"Close Look, Life is a tragedy, but seen from afar, looks like a comedy."

Charles Chaplin