Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quick Books Premier License Number

each other and others with special participation of all of them with us

I move between zigzags, and essential parallelepipeds Compositions delicious.

others move between pins and needles.

other between waves.

algunosotros between fideuas and even more delicious crunchy nuggets.

others do otherwise,

hanging as carrying a bottle of rumple slash mamajuana and walking drunk and cry where he pulls the card. print that will last me a long time given the picturesque orrrvidar case. said that he had stolen, and many that are stolen, it had to be done quickly because tomorrow it was the English or German tourist near accompanying her and another woman beside her said, if you steal it po you the citizens give it a trusted person and she is most comfortable in the chair to turn the lady and tell where a good sabroseo of words, and to whom?? and then complained that his mother was his trusted person died and I almost began to mourn but I could not continue serving the gadget because tobacco out focusing on not so bad in the photo because it lasts 7 years or so and I had a little earlier when I was a teenager.

others do something like buy two boxes of oatmeal with plums showing their great kindness

or decide what color to paint the hair is

or disappoint

or die today leaving a friend sad, like my grandfather

or reconciled, again.

or choose to forget

or find

or pretend

or play with dolls

or choose cool skins for your phone

or start the diet to be skinny

or melt more than a cheese sandwich when he looks Valgame God

or they're corny Being

or learning Portuguese

or doing anything else.

least this. here, now.


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