Monday, June 29, 2009

Thelonius Monk Bootleg

elegance and modesty Advertising

Today I decided to take the metro to Sol to see the new season and Community Development works have had for three years, longer than a sentence. There are still things to finish, and there are parts of the exterior that makes me a little Martian, but hopefully soon be able to walk normally around the Puerta del Sol came

reading one book of Luis Bassat, which will be CEO (Chief Executive Officer) in the program where I work. It's called "The Apprentice" ("The Apprentice" in English), and the truth, is an interesting project and fun in equal parts, but starting to feel a tension quite important and very, very dizzy. It is a format that first premiered in the U.S., with Donald Trump's head honcho, but which has reached its glory has been in England. Each chapter is to remove his hat, and the CEO, Sir Alan Sugar, is shown with contestant (and aspiring to a puestazo in your company) as a strict judge every week. I decided to put a video of your funniest moments, the others are awesome (and longer)

Well, the fact is that the advice had been soaking Mr Bassat (by the way, is very comforting to read a book on how to advertise without further need for the ability to read and have a little common sense, so I think I make good publicity for the book) about how to sell a product when I lifted the head to get to the station church. I have seen how a very old man approached very slowly to enter the car. I looked around and saw that there were sites. I closed the book and I was prepared to yield it, as he saw come with difficulty, looking down to check that gave safe passage.

I have addressed to him and to touch her in the arm as he said, "Sit down, please" has reared its head. This old man, fragile, and hard-entered in the metro has, according to IMDB, more than 100 films. Berlanga has worked with José María Forqué, Mario Camus, with Fernando Trueba, José Luis Cuerda ... That man was Saza.

The man who always appeared in his films very stretched, is now an old man nearly 83 years that I found weak and tired, but not enough to accept the place he left, although he has insisted. Firm has endured four stops, until someone has left a seat and then yes, it has been granted.

I think nobody in the car recognized him, although I prefer to think that maybe others have done like me, I spent several minutes thinking about what you might say to thank and praise some of the great moments he has given us with his air of Mr straight, straight, and the English style of man always pissed. And still today, proud. In the end, I passed by, I think to not bother him. Clearly I need to read more to Bassat, to get expressed well what I mean.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Woolite In Front Loader

Again, Movistar becomes the protagonist of one of my posts. Go ahead feel unable to offer enjoyable reading or situation, but the body is asking me to lay the bile, and that's what I'm doing. This is a copy of the text I intend to send the entire chart of Telefónica, to the newspapers (though unfortunately I doubt they want to publish it) and everyone that I pass over his head.

is the only nonviolent way I can think of to vent for 40 minutes (and at other times) I've had to suffer so I would not solve anything, to be told that they will charge me for something and asked not to bear some responsibility for which is not mine. By the time I have stolen from dinner, watch "House", go to bed to sweat this catarrazo, playing with my cat.

There goes my spit verbal slap my writing, my bad host concentrated in a letter.

Attn D. César Alierta, executive chairman of Telefónica.

Mr. Alierta, I am writing to you as the main person responsible for the company to tell him that, surely, you do not know is that in business, specifically in Movistar, laugh customer that your company cheat customer that Movistar (one of the companies forming the group) is not given to customers the correct information and that your company plays with time and the lives of their customers.

I tell it because I'm sure that you, as head of this company is not allowed even for a moment that your company gave this reprehensible, appalling, disastrous and humiliating service to those who hold this corporation payments for their (not always good) services.

bet my life you know that Movistar offers customers services they do not ask, and that although the free offers, then the bill. I'm sure he knows that in order to make management, sometimes you have to spend up to 1 HOUR! On the phone, and not always calling to mobile Free. I have the absolute conviction that no one has told him that his employer when calling for a complaint form, delivered copies of an invoice dirty, and many other things that make that what seems simple in principle, able to communicate , become a complicated, unpleasant and fraught with problems.

I think we, we do a favor to you, what might be the good name of your company, and I hope to millions of customers who do not have the time or accumulated enough anger to send this letter I assure you a tone much kinder than the passive behavior and its employees have shown me they deserve.

remain at your disposal for any other information you might need.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How Long Can I Age Macallen For


i wonder if cats know when you're sad.
i think mine does.
i wonder if i'm only a little tiny old memory or if i'm gone completely. as if i had never existed.
i could ask. but i'm not going to. no use in that. what for? would that change anything? would i want to change anything?
ignorance is bliss. but i've never been a fan.
a zit.
removal kits and songs that stick in your mind forever. i don't absurd love my stupid memory for details i wish i had forgotten. But i was programmed that way. It Lies Within Me. Ability of this amazing storage useless and unhealthy habits clogging Every neuron.
to say one place.
i was staring at the door.
I Was There before.
the good thing about right now is That it does not exist.
maybe I never know. but it isn't gonna be me the only one wondering. That i get. at least.
formed as one with candies.
gave me a mint today.
Is not life sweet sugar?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Leg Weakness After Accident

trains and sewing machines alergy season

black and white, dusty THOUGHTS old. a couple of dreams and boom. The One That Is Already Gone which rabbit magician Reappears at infinity pandora hat I wear in the mirror as I write Those words with my fingertips without sounding too world of sofia.
the One That Got Away.
and wondering never got me far.
nike would be a good add.
runaway person.
sweet sweet escapes.
old because it always sounds fashionable? I always thought that these women before always will be more beautiful than those now in his photography studio with gray hair and no blower.
be like water flowing. I never knew better. begins with one step. peace mode. mixcd ending with sia's let's not fight. famosillos metric is now rescued all time favorites for the world.
a new mom, up from 1:00 a.m.-5: 51am. That's called love.
my belly reminds me that someone brought me here. and I care. and still spoils me.
tomorrow Was Me on That Train To Meet parter in crime. Most Likely the celebration will include parmesan cheese and / or cheesy fun. Things I Gave trains. Some Took from me. lost a camera, found love. and always teasing out cypress.