Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Best Unprocessed Cocoa

Any change requires the support of our environment to be carried out ... even just a friend. And if it does not, it's easy to return to the starting point.

Thus we see in our work and our vida privada cuando intentamos cambiar algo, y así queda recogido en una película magnífica que  he visto en DVD: El Luchador, protagonizada por el resucitado Mickey Rourke, nominado para un Oscar por su interpretación. (la cual finalmente no gano)

The plot of the movie is a fighter Pressing Catch was a glory in the 80 old and still active, although the body is not attached. In a combat suffers a heart attack that forced him to retire and most hated face of man: La Soledad.

I liked because it highlights the difference between "known" and friends, the difference between being simply a nice person and appreciated with the ability to maintain relationships deep .... I do not want to have the final, but it is a work that deals superbly the price that we can take to avoid loneliness and how any change of our habits requires significant support we are not always considered. If you want to transform something (a job change, your way of being or living ...) accounts "with the support of a loved one? If not, keep in mind that the journey will be more painful.

Finally, I liked a scene that includes the attachment to fame and the need to be seen or feel important, even if this can fall in decay. I tested it on people who one day had their moment of glory and remember do not stop everybody.

said Kipling,

"If you stumble El Triunfo, Si Defeat Your comes
and A Two Imposters We treated the same as "

Success is a sham or a mere accident. who mistakes him for their being is lost because sooner or later you will receive the invoice. Therefore, the failure can often be a boon and are friends and support, essential to remember who you really are.

Then the trailer of the movie "The Wrestler"

"All men seem by his words show that only the works are not equal."



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