Rumors are able to increase or even reduce the performance of a computer to a 20% . That was the main conclusion of the investigation in Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plon, Germany and published by the prestigious Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences . The research was based on the exchange of money and you could see the impact of the same before and after positive and negative rumor. And it was interesting because the rumor was able to boycott to opinions held by first-hand and greatly influence the reputation of individuals.
The rumors are largely unsubstantiated reports that abound in organizations. have a lot of purposes: are tools to influence the reputation of individuals, help to create mental maps to see how it has to move one and what to expect from having your hand, serve to distract (the more free time, more rumor as in many towns and departments idle) and are also useful to create fear. Once a general manager told me that the faster mechanism to disseminate information was not forgetting too positive a role in the photocopier.
not forget that people are "inforvívoros" ie information seekers. And if the company does not believe will be looking at the rumor. Even, it can create consciously. Years ago I read an article in the Harvard Business talking about sound management and how to use it for the benefit of the company.
In conclusion, research has shown that the rumor helps people be more or less conclives to collaboration and how it affects the prestige. So if you want a team evolves positively a powerful tool is to speak well of each of them. And if you want more personal prestige, once again, to speak well of one.
"Mode Dar A Time In The Nail, is Dar 100 times in the Horseshoe. "
Miguel de Unamuno
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