These are not just pretty words, but facts also be interesting as a proposal: The establishment of a maximum of four salary levels, the 30% equal sharing of the benefits and ethical behavior, which requires all transparency. (Of course, including all levels, from presidents or directors of organizations)
"The current organization is one of the few holdouts remaining dictatorship in democratic societies and is crying out to become an area of \u200b\u200bfreedom and welfare. "
not forget that the first organizations to be formed taking as reference the military and church organizational models then. were models that were used, because what mattered was that people obey no longer. currently losing an ounce of talent in the organization is a luxury that no company can afford. no longer makes sense to use "The command and control" If what you want to start and Innovation. Nor sense structures organizational pyramid If what is sought is create customer value and be competitive in the market.
One of the main brakes for the change is in the heads. "They are extremely overworked because they do not want to cede the power of decision. They are afraid and so are dedicated to control rather than encourage, facilitate and empower "... ... ... ... ... ... Once again, fear.
"In life there is something worse than failure, not having tried anything."
Franklin Roosevelt
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