Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank Email After Interview Sample


Few issues raise as much excitement as the Leadership. There are millions of entries in Google , hundreds of courses and books, some key proposing to develop the style of a cookbook. And yet, it remains a pending issue in organizations and is possibly the most influential aspect in the development of talented professionals in achieving results and the isolation of fear.

To address such a broad topic, start with a first qualification: may not be correct to talk about leadership, but leaders . Leader The necessary condition, not sufficient, is that he has followers. That means to be recognized as a leader does not mean becoming a mixture of John Wayne and Albert Einstein, as they say Ridderstrale Jonas and Kjell Nordstrom, author of Karaoke Capitalism. The essence of a leader is much simpler, though no simpler.

While managers have teams responsible to obey them, Leader is with people who want follow, which has many implications The first any of us have been and can be leaders in certain fields or areas (a relief). The second important implication: Leadership is a matter of emotions, in fact, the best leaders I've met, according to his associates, have a common point, depth to the cube: a deep knowledge of the person, deep knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses and inspire a deep confidence. Employees not only want to follow a rational decision, but also emotional. And finally, there are many types of leaders and led teams. There are leaders whose strength is the expertise (as Gil Grissom from CSI Las Vegas, if we take a reference on TV), others rely on their networks of influence and other types, personal charisma (as the well-known Jack Welch, former Chairman of General Electric).

Perhaps this is the most admired although, as we have seen not alone. In any class of leaders, there are aspects in common and possibly one of the most important is the ability to communicate.

In an organization communication must be constant at all times, if we avoid what is happening with the game of damaged phone , Where the first communicates something to the second and so on, until at last comes a completely distorted message . Is it very different to what happens in your organization? For the company does not suffer a similar communication to the damaged phone the leader has to communicate and communicate constantly, and make sure is understood.

If not, you may be experiencing as James Cook.

The England captain discovered the Australian continent in 1770. When he arrived to inspect the field, saw a strange animal hopping. asked the Aborigines what it was called. Kan-ga-roo, told. And they baptized kangaroo (kangaroo). Years later, philologists analyzed the language of the natives, and found that kan-ga-roo means "Do not you understand."

How many K angaroo are jumping daily organizations?

Constant communication can be exhausting, but it is very profitable. emotions are communicated, transmitted values \u200b\u200band corporate culture and reduces lost time spent by professionals in the hallways in search of information.

not forget that the human being, psychologists say, is a informívoro (devourer of information.) If leaders do not provide it, the professionals will go to look for the best alternative source rumors, which are always directly proportional the opacity of the organization.

So to develop the ability to lead teams, regardless of the type we want (or can) to emulate in every moment, one of the important parts is able to communicate: what we communicate, communicate and confirm what we think the other we have understood, of course.

Learn to Bend, you better break. "

Leo Buscaglia


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