Saturday, July 24, 2010
How Many Panadol Tablets Would It Take To Kill
In order to prepare properly for this article and do so with the perspective of an ordinary citizen rather than a professional who interacts daily with Technology information, decided to conduct a little research. For Of course, I turned to the Internet, thus having more information about the experiences that others around the world have been with information technology in their daily lives.
was amazing what I found. Since people with health impairments, now with the internet and mobile technology can work from home, even people that thanks to technological advances have recovered from severe illness and even death or afford regular checkups with the best doctors and the best health technology at its disposal to ensure their longevity.
I read countless articles on the Internet everyday people who have decided to change jobs or successful business venture by creating his own enterprise, investment and minimal staff but with international reach because of the facilities that exist today.
However, what struck me most positively were many favorable comments about using these new technologies to communicate with friends and loved ones through the distance. From soldiers in Iraq, which have able to maintain contact with their children and wives, to Mexicans living in the United States and other countries that for whatever reason have been forced to migrate and are now using internet feel closer to home.
Of course I saw obligado también, a hacer una pequeña reflexión personal acerca de mi propia vida y el impacto que la tecnología ha tenido en mi diario vivir a través de los años.
Realmente ha sido sorprendente y emocionante a la vez, y me siento un tanto privilegiado haber vivido tantas experiencias, así como de vivir ahora en este mundo fascinante y lleno de constantes cambios.
Internet fans like me who can spend more than five hours surfing hardly feel it, we are now accustomed to high-speed connections and can not tolerate even a slight failure or timeout. We opened about fifteen to twenty sessions simultaneously and can not wait unless our team to meet and have the ability to tolerate all this load.
I see my young children who were born in this new century with all these new technologies around. Of course your computer is a device required for young people today, as it were a TV or turntable in our time.
remember the first time I saw a demonstration of the Internet in a symposium here in Monterrey, NL (Mexico) that was in 1991. I really thought was amazing to me and the rest of the audience. Just think that at that moment we were connecting in real time directly to a U.S. website, I found it simply fantastic and completely caught me!
With some nostalgia I now in my first attempts to surf the Internet for more than seventeen years, when after more than fifteen failed attempts at a minimum and using a telephone line Common finally managed to connect by just five to ten minutes and I was obliged to repeat the same operation about ten times, to help achieve the required information. Now this would seem ridiculous to some, especially young people. However, as long for those days so glorious!
remember when I learned to interact with a Telex machine and a manual typewriter, later, electricity. Also the modern Fax which offered many more advantages to telex and took the latter's market almost instantly. In the early nineties it was "the technology that was" of course with my PC for the coordination and communication of projects related to my work. At that time it was fatal error in a document. Now, diction or spelling errors are a thing of the past and are corrected automatically with online dictionaries. We can even translate into other languages \u200b\u200bsimultaneously.
We have modern technologies such as faster and faster PCs or laptops that allow much more mobility, a basic program office is almost mandatory and of course the Explorer to surf the internet. Commercial applications depending on the type of business enterprises, allowing them more efficient and effective internal processes and have become a competitive advantage. The e-mail, Messenger for instant messaging and IP telephony as to Skype are communication tools indispensable and inexpensive.
Today we left our homes with three things in our hand, car keys, wallet and cell phone. When last I leave this house for some forgotten, I feel completely isolated and even helpless. It's a terrible feeling that many will share with me.
Internet, along with mobile and social networks have opened a world of opportunity. Apart from the myriad of options that we now have to be able to communicate remotely, allows us to live and experience a Global World.
I say this because today the only limit we have to buy goods is our own economic capacity and our imagination. We can purchase almost anything online, from books, music, movies, clothes, home appliances to cars and property.
credit cards and online banking have become indispensable in our lives, for payment of services, buying and selling any place and anywhere.
All distances are almost nonexistent with all the options that we now have to communicate. U.S., South America, Europe or Asia do not feel so far away, all you need to consider are the hours between each country. However, there is no need to take a plane or wait twenty or thirty days for the postman, let alone be legible, to maintain contact with family or friends living anywhere in the world.
With Google Earth or Yahoo Maps we can see and locate anywhere, we can also book hotel and rental car, to virtual tours to museums, attractions and more safely prepare our itineraries for business or pleasure with much anticipation.
Now training or university studies and to Master Online is a reality and increasingly accessible to all. What if it becomes almost mandatory to learn English is at least as the most choices of education and information resources are in that language.
friend A colleague recently sent me via email an article about the major global changes in recent years written in a funny way, referring the passage of years and having lived as we confirm that we are already old. Outside enjoy myself a while led me to reflect on children and youth of today who have never used a rotary phone, a telex much less a fax and now despite having only ten or twelve years have already a cell phone and instead of playing spin, or fire play now with a Nintendo a Wii or Boy , no longer listen to music on your stereo, do it online on the internet through itunes or ares and when they leave they take their course IPod , share photos Flickr and video youtube . All this indicates that there are living in a digital world, almost virtual, with friends who have never known because the phenomenon of social networking sites like myspace , facebook , hi5 , vostu , etc.
And what happens to the phenomenon of online games where you can now play remotely and in real time with strangers. As the case of a colleague who plays for hours piloting aircraft of all types and sometimes tells us who has flown from New York to Paris to Tokyo and will take eight to sixteen hours, with fans from other countries who in turn play drivers air.
That such a phenomenon SecondLife , where we have our own Avatar and a "second life" totally virtual and unleash our imagination or inhibited those dreams that we were unable to for whatever reason. Live, have a second virtual family, work, buy and sell, using Linden Dollars that can now be bought in real life by eBay . The phenomenon of Social Networking is a reality. Second Life reports about 7.5 million users and this is just the beginning!
Undoubtedly, we are living in a Digital World. Our children are living a reality totally different from our childhood or adolescence and more distant from our parents or grandparents. Now we can talk any issue or obtain any information, meet people who live in places as far away as the Congo or India. Everything is available with the pulse of a few keys.
Internet can undoubtedly a great opportunity and have a positive impact on our lives and lead us to our own destruction. What tells us the right way are our values \u200b\u200band the values \u200b\u200bthat we achieve root in the lives of our children, because we can not prohibit and limit everything. There will always be with them and if we do not work hard to instill values, could eventually get carried away and stray from the path with all this avalanche of information and confusing and ambiguous world, where reality is often confused with fantasy and is very easy to miss.
Our lives move at a speed much faster than at any previous time, but we can do to not get lost in this digital world and take advantage of these magnificent opportunities now available to us?
First and foremost, as my best option, we must learn to live in and not be absorbed by technology .
remember in my early years of Internet use, could not stop even think to check my e-mail or an instant only. The same happened with my phone, I always had at hand. Now you do not. Use technology and do not let me catch this. Occasionally turn off the phone and I get ready to enjoy a hobby or special time with my family. I have a defined schedule to check my e-mail without the express anxiety of earlier times. I leave my laptop aside and enjoy a good book, I take my family to the movies or some other site from time to time, to depart from the technology and get closer to nature.
technological bombardment continues, that's for sure, today we have the latest model of phone (iPhone) which lovers of technology we have been looking forward and before that the release of IPAD which has been a success in U.S. and probably in the entire world does so.
late last year also went on sale eBook of Sony , which is to change the way we read and although the screen is monochrome and has only basic functions is the first commercial product based on technology E-Paper . We can expect in the future. " That is, in the next five to ten years?
continue to communicate by pressing keys e-mai what Messenger or we do this through our own voice in real time through video conferencing on our phones, thanks the 3G ?
We think more portable devices and malleable than a laptop, a Smartphone ? Why not? Why not dream all this?
But that will impact our lives? Definitely, we do many things at once and much faster, communicate more easily, remove the invisible boundaries that separate us and become citizens of the world simply do business with any company in any country.
Now ask yourself, what about all the time available we now have with technology? What we do with the time saved by not having to stand in long lines to pay our bills or do banking or hours spent shopping, or buy airline tickets, movies, etc?
What we do with time, we now have the ease of sending an email, or chat on Messenger, instead of handwriting a letter or the time saved be able to communicate with our cell phone from anywhere?
is then up to ourselves, how we invest, or enjoy with us or with ourselves all the time available . This is what will define our quality of life and our success.
The technology is just that, technology and our service is, how you take advantage depends on each one of us!
"would exchange all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates."
Steve Jobs, Apple CEO
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