Saturday, July 24, 2010

25 Year Work Anniversary Speech

do many of us have been stopped by police for some minor infraction that we made and we do not have a ticket? To have any chance of achieving this is to resort to a classic and highly recommended book: " Naked Ape" of Desmond Morris . According to him, in the interactions of primates (and there are people) are power games. Who knows who has the power, in this case the police is not none is willing to question it. Thus, before a policeman or a teacher at the university that the student found copying blatantly can be more graceful exit if it is recognized their power and supports the ruling.

worst in this situation is to enter into explanations, which must always be the same. The way to achieve the goal (in this case you do not put the fine), therefore, is to recognize their power ... Well, at least it is more likely, but that does not mean it always happens.

I think all people to a greater or lesser extent we can. I know some would win the Guinness record attempt, but if we think what it means to power and go to the Real Academia de la Lengua , we see is the ability to do things. power means to me, therefore, two issues:
  • Control (to the extent we can do)
  • Cara Third Party Influence.
If we consider that is that power, I think almost every search, just need to see the fight for the remote control when there was only one television, neighborhood councils or the kingdoms of "power" in organizations. positions as executive secretary, the best manager of a department or public health janitors are positions of great power ... and carefully when questioned.

Tenemos, por tanto, que diferenciar dos tipos de poder : Autoritas y Potestas , como dirĂ­an los romanos. Autoritas que es la capacidad de influencia, propio leaders, and P oTest , itself born of position or rank. If we seek one or the other depends on many variables, such as individual motivations and personal insecurities.

If there's anything I learned in a few years in seminars is that power companies are denied (almost nobody says she likes) and when you use several indirect techniques to discover that most like to have a sense of control and influence.

Ultimately, I think we are all looking to a greater or lesser extent, but few recognize it.

"I do not struggle with competition, I destroy."

Charles Revson


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