Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Convert Plug-in Lamp To Hardwire Lamp


Then collect some scientific research findings on the operation of the equipment and those variables that actually correlate with success.

Avoid Supervision Excessive . "Self-management or management of the leader? According to relevant research, the teams with sufficient maturity to self-management have better performance than those with the supervision of the leader.

Good Humor . The leader's positive mood is positively related to team performance. However, there is no clear direction of that relationship, if the team pays more for their leader's positive mood or if their leader has a good mood because his team has a good performance.
  • Promoting Substantive Participation . It looks like it is important to the level of participation of employees in decision-making. However, its correlation with the results does not seem so obvious. We can distinguish two types of participation: the substantive, one that has consequences and the advisory, the mere a say. While the former has a positive impact on satisfaction and performance work teams (although to a lesser extent in the latter case); the second, the "consultative participation", gives results quite negative, possibly maximum not to ask about what about what not to intervene.
  • Recognition . "awards or recognition? Although it might appear otherwise, and according to research, the rewards are directly related to team performance ratios, or with the productivity or the effectiveness of group processes developed by the team. recognition only seems to show a positive relationship between rewards and some form of team effectiveness such as confidence in the management team, organizational commitment, satisfaction and perceived performance ratios by the team.
  • Balancing Competition and Cooperation in Force Resolution . "The conflict within the team is positive? Overall we can identify two types of conflict: task, born of disagreement among group members about different aspects of the task to develop; and relationship, as a result personal incompatibilities, tension, passivity and hostility among team members. The second has a detrimental effect on the satisfaction of the people and attempts to stay in the team, which often leads a decrease in effectiveness. However, the first conflict, the task has different effects. While for groups performing routine tasks that conflict poses a risk to the performance of the team, for non-routine tasks becomes beneficial, but within logical limits. If the conflict is too high, people have to focus on it and reduce its positive effects.
  • Cohesive Team . How important is cohesion members of the team? group cohesion seems to be closely correlated with overall performance, and evidenced in studies on the performance of health care teams in hospitals or the customer service sales teams.
  • Create Common Standards . Performance standards, understood as standards shared by members of the team, help operating team members. In general, appear to relate positively with the level of commitment to the organization, trust in management and satisfaction. However appears to be unrelated to objective measures such as absenteeism, for example.
  • Promoting Shared Experiences . Although relatively new, an aspect that is gaining ground as a group process that influences the outcome of the team, is what has been termed "groupthink" or "transactive memory" This refers to the degree to which the team has a knowledge that exceeds the sum of the individual skills of team members. Actually expresses the knowledge that you have created together and which has come to move beyond the individual for membership of the team. Definitely a shared space created by the experience of working together.
  • Promoting the importance of the task . In general, it demonstrates the characteristics task, often evaluated in terms of autonomy, feedback, significance, identity and variety of applied skills, are positively associated with performance ratios (specific objectives or performance evaluations through the supervisor), with satisfaction and with organizational commitment.

"Do not talk Are What You Will Say No More Beautiful Than You
silence. "

P Arab roverbio


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