Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where I Can Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyie


smart people sometimes make unfortunate decisions. This seems to happen with U.S. President Johnson and his team in the Vietnam War. The failure of certain decisions in the war encouraged Janis, professor at Yale University, to analyze what had happened. dubbed The groupthink. Groupthink is achieved when everyone thinks the same way, and no proposed alternatives. (The "Yes Man" most common in Mexican Organizations, no one dares to contradict the "Director General "Although this Tell Each Barbary ... ....) That is, if they thought he had to continue in Vietnam, no one suggested otherwise.

Groupthink occurs in highly cohesive teams, especially if they have a common ideal (or a mission "almost divine, as some had to believe) and is observed in both football teams, organizations (This is one reason why the goals not met) as a gang or rather a "Club of Friends":

What are the symptoms of groupthink?

1. Invulnerability: "We are the best and nobody can stop us."

2. Stereotypes of the Opposition: "The others are worse."

3. Self-censorship "He who says something bad about the other, not in the group."

4. Collective Rationalization: "What decides the group is very good."

5. Silence is Consensus.

6. Pressure Equals: It calls into question the loyalty of those who disagree.

7. Inherent Morality: Belief encouraging the group to ignore any ethical implication.

8. Members protect the group from negative information: "What is not interested, do not know."


alternatives Goodbye, goodbye to profitability, the commitment to improve bye, bye to another way of understanding the information, since the first "Club friends "and nothing else.

Incidentally, if anyone wants to see the groupthink in movies, I suggest the movie Thirteen Days, of Kevin Costner, where there is exactly what he wrote Irving Janis. Although an old movie is very interesting to see how Kennedy resolved the conflict in the Bay Guantanamo and avoiding groupthink. And if possible, also recommend watching the extras and interviews with the protagonists of that time.

"is attempting the impossible, as done as possible."

Henri Barbusse


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